Introducing Me


Hello Everyone!

I am Tiare Simbahon and I am currently a sophomore at the University of Alaska.  I am from a small southeast town called Petersburg.  Here, I have grown up all my life and have enjoyed all the adventure that comes with living in a small community where everyone is considered family.

During my time with this blog, I will be addressing all types of artwork and how pieces of art make me feel, how they are portraying emotion through events, and so much more than the art world has to offer.  Personally, I love art.  I feel very connected to the art world because it has always been something my family could do together and bond over.  I partially like painting with acrylics and watercolors.  Below are a few of the smaller, quick, and fun pieces I have done!

I also enjoy the things around us that might not always be noticed.  For example, I recently went to Washington, D.C., and was amazed by all the architecture that the buildings held.  Coming from a small town, we don't see unique features like that every day.

One type of work that I have always found interesting is modern impressionism.  I think I have always been attracted to art such as the image below because as an artist I would love to have the talent to create a scene with so much life and vibrancy.

Here is a video that shows an artist creating a piece such as the ones above!


  1. This sounds great! I can't wait to hear what all you will be sharing with us!

  2. Bonding as a family!! I can really relate to that. My mother taught art to her 6th graders on Friday afternoons. On the weekends she would teach some of her new upcoming art projects to my brother and I. Kind of a test drive. Such fun!

  3. Hi Tiare! I love your watercolor and linework. Seriously impressed. I'm also a big fan of impressionism. The contemporary paintings you shared ooze sensation. Looking forward to more of your blogs.

  4. Hi Tiare! I also paint with my family. My mom is actually the person that got me into painting. I also use mostly acrylic, I've never dabbled in watercolors but I love your pieces! Thank you for sharing, I look forward to seeing more of your blogs this semester!

  5. Thanks for sharing your own stuff! I love the colors.


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